Category: DIY


Almond Butter n Almond Chocobutter

Are you the one who thinks that nut butters are very difficult to make at home? If the answer is yes, then you must surely read this post. Peanut butter, Almond butter, hazelnut spread...


Chocolate Energy Drink

As a mother, we all strive to make our kids eat healthy food and to refrain them from hoarding on junk and store bought stuff. I am not saying that we need to keep...


Home made Nutella

Home made Nutella using hazelnuts has been on my to-do list since a long time. But it just got delayed or postponed due to one reason or other. Finally, my sister got me a...


How to make evaporated milk at home

What introduction or description is required for this post? All I can say is its very simple to make this evaporated milk at home and it can be used in various recipes like milk...


How to make sprouts at home

Sprouts are rich in energy, vitamins, minerals, amino.acids, proteins, and phytochemicals. I am sure that many of my readers are experts in sprouting pulses at home. This post is for those few who are...


Home made Horlicks/Energy Drink Mix

Most of us would have loads of memories associated with Horlicks, isn’t it? It’s surely one of the most popular malted energy drink. As is the case with most store bought products, this too...


Instant Mawa (using milk powder)

Mawa or khoya is a core ingredient in many Indian sweets. Traditionally mawa is made by reducing the milk by simmering it on low flame for a longer period of time. And you can...


How to make strawberry compote

Strawberries not only look pretty, but can add beauty to many of your bakes. Use it either in fresh form as a garnish or sun dry them or dehydrate them in an oven and...


Alcohol free Mincemeat

Mincemeat is a traditional recipe which uses chopped dried fruits, candied fruit peels, spice powder, alcohol, minced meat and beef suet. One can find recipes of mincemeat pie dating back as early as the...