Monthly Archive: February 2021


Hybrid Whole Wheat Bread

I have always believed in the fact that the day you feel that you are a master of certain art, your growth stops there. It’s always good to keep trying and learning and be...


Home made Nutella

Home made Nutella using hazelnuts has been on my to-do list since a long time. But it just got delayed or postponed due to one reason or other. Finally, my sister got me a...


Sourdough Discard Chocolate Cookies

Hi friends. Though I have baked many types of chocolate cookies, I would rate this one as the most delicious one. For one thing, I have used couverture dark chocolate chunks in it and...


How to make your sourdough starter

Hello all. So, all ready to make your starter? Come, let’s do it in a systematic and efficient way with minimal wastage. I had embarked on a sourdough journey four years back. I baked...


Sourdough Breads

These are some of my sourdough bakes from three years ago. I had compiled this article almost three years ago when I had just started my first sourdough journey. But somehow didn’t post it...