Hot Milk Marble Cake

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20 Responses

  1. Ashu says:

    Thank you for this lovely recipe, tried it and cake turned out to be nice and moist! Thanks for sharing it will all the minute details

  2. Patricia says:

    Your recipe looks and sounds awesome but I don’t understand one thing. Your recipe calls for a 1/4 cup of thick curd. What is the curd you speak of? And where do I find it?

  3. supriti phukan says:

    I really love your recipes. In this recipe can I use egg and how many eggs?

    • Pradeepa Nair says:

      Thanks. It’s always better to follow an egg based recipe than converting an eggless one into one with eggs. Check for a fantastic hot milk cake recipe using eggs.

  4. Rashika Chainani says:

    Mam i tried this today…it turned out well..thank you for sharing the recipe

  5. Sarika Agrawal says:

    Hello Pradeepa,
    I tried this cake today and the batter was super watery.I added a little more water and baked it , still have to cut it.
    Thank you!

    • Pradeepa Nair says:

      Check your measurements. Check your cup size. I am sorry, it’s a tried n tested recipe by many and that too many times. So I am afraid it cant go wrong. Did u use cup measurements or weight? Please confirm.

      • Pradeepa Nair says:

        I am sorry, didn’t understand this you are saying that the batter was super watery and still you added more water?????

  6. Sonam Sakhrani. says:

    Hi..can I use plain maida instead of APF …will that change texture of cake. Can I use vanilla essence instead of extract not available.

  7. Lopa says:


  8. Ritu Yadav says:


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