Thandai Cookies

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No Responses

  1. Neha says:

    Hi Pradeep, Thanks for the recipe …I got hood texture and it taste great too…but mu cookies doesn’t rise…it has grown in siZe though…is it ok..does ur cookie rise?I added BP as well..

    Thanks for great recipes

  2. Vinaya dravid says:

    Lovely recipe. Going to try today for gifting. How you make thandai powder?

  3. The cookies look really scrumptious ❤ Bookmarked it. Thanku for sharing!!

  1. February 28, 2018

    […] filling in cakes, kheer, firni etc. Check my next post for an eggless whole wheat and oats flour thandai cookies. Also stay tuned for more recipes with this thandai masala powder […]

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