Monthly Archive: January 2022


Vegan Oats Chocolate Cookies

Hello readers. A very pleasant Sunday to you all. You might wonder what’s so special about these cookies? The blog already has a good number of chocolate cookies. So what makes these cookies different...



In most of the English speaking countries, Panini (singular panino) refers to a grilled or toasted sandwich made with breads like ciabatta, baguette, focaccia or so on. Panini is a word of Italian origin...


Barley Wheat Crackers

Hello all. Another barley flour recipe in the blog. These are healthy guilt free crackers perfect to go with your morning or evening tea. Or you can be more creative and pair it with...


Barley Wheat Jaggery Cookies

Happy new year to all my readers and followers. I sincerely wish, hope and pray that 2022 turns out to be much better and happier than 2021. Hoping that this year ushers lot of...