
One of the most easiest bakes and yet one of the most healthiest food. Eat a bowl with a cup of warm or cold milk or eat it just like that, it’s going to taste yum. And the best part is you do not really need any measuring cup or weighing scale. Simply use any dried fruits and
nuts of your choice, some oats (preferably rolled oats) and some liquid to moisten the ingredients before baking and your muesli is ready. No more paying through your nose for those gourmet shop or supermarket packed muesli. Try out this recipe if you do not believe me 🙂
I have used a 240 ml cup. But I repeat that you really do not need to measure the ingredients. Feel free to add or skip ingredients of your choice. Please share your feedback in the comments section. Till then, stay healthy, stay happy 🙂
I was about to publish this recipe and suddenly I had a small confusion whether the below recipe is of muesli or granola? Or to put in simple words, what’s the exact difference between the two? Honestly, I didn’t really know the exact difference till now and I am not ashamed to accept this. Well, though most of the ingredients in muesli and granola are same, the basic difference between them is that granola is baked using a sweetener like honey or so while muesli is often a raw mixture of oats, dried fruits and nuts. For more details, you can google and find out.
- Rolled oats 3 cups
- Salt a pinch
- Honey 1/2 cup
- Almonds 1/2 cup
- Flax seeds 2 tbsp
- Melon seeds 2 tbsp
- Pumpkin seeds 2 tbsp
- Black currant 1/2 cup
- Raisins 1/2 cup
- Cranberries 1/2 cup
- Slice the almonds and halve the raisins and cranberries.
- Mix they almond slices, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds and oats in a large mixing bowl.
- Add a pinch of salt and stir.
- Now add around half cup of honey and mix till the entire ingredients are well coated with honey.
- Meanwhile preheat the oven with both rods and fan mode on at around 150-160 degree Celsius for ten minutes.
- Line a big baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Transfer the oats mixture into the prepared baking sheet and spread it evenly.
- Place the tray preferably at the lower rack of the oven or on the rack above it.
- Bake for 25-35 minutes or till the nuts and oats look golden and crunchy.
- Stir carefully during every ten minutes.
- Make sure that you do not let the oats burn. It might be a bit soft while hot, but will eventually turn crisp and crunchy on cooling.
- Take the tray out of the oven and let it cool for 5-10 minutes.
- Now add the cranberries, black currants and raisins to thos mixture and toss.
- Store these on airtight containers and enjoy for breakfast or mid morning or evening hunger pangs.
- If you do not have rolled oats, you can use instant oats too. But rolled ones are going to give you a better texture.
- You may increase or decrease the amount of dry fruits and nuts.
- One may add pistachios, walnuts, pecans and so on.
- Dehydrated fruits like papaya, banana, strawberries, pineapples and kiwis too can be added.
- If you want to make a chocolatey version of muesli, add a cup of choco chips during the last 2-4 minutes of baking.
- If you are a fan of cinnamon, you may add a teaspoon of cinnamon to thr mixture while baking.
- You can substitute half of the honey with any flavourless oil or melted butter.
- Try skipping honey and adding jaggery syrup or dates syrup. But nakey sure to bake at a lower temperature as jaggery can burn.
Awesome recipe
Can we dry roast on gas. what sthe procedure.
Yes. Roast in a big pan over low flame
I made similar about 2 weeks back and after cooling it well, stored in an airtight jar. Its still crunchy. I think if it becomes soggy we can bake it again for a few minutes and store.
Yea sure. You can bake again for few more minutes
Thanks for posting this recipe.
What is shelf life ? Mine gets soggy after 4-5 days?
I shall let u know after 4-5 days 🙂 shouldn’t happen if stored in airtight container. Bake well n cool completely